Sweater Embroidery Hoop Wreath

I live in North Dakota so snowflake decor works from November through March. And some times April!! Haha. So my sweater embroidery hoop wreath stays up for months!

But for real, I am thinking this will be cute to hang up in January and February. I tried to give it a winter-feel and keep it not too Christmas-like.

The sweater was harder to use on the hoop to keep it tight and the pattern straight. But a little hot glue and some well-planned tugging it turned out cute!!

Supply Shopping the best!

  • First, I had found the sweater from a thrift store when making these crafts.
  • Next, I dug in my stash and didn’t find much except for the snowflake felt ribbon. So off to Hobby Lobby I go!
Here I am on the floor at Hobby Lobby trying to decide what matches!

I couldn’t decide and so I bought them all.

Later I used the snowflakes for sure really cute ornaments! Find that blog post here…. Snowflake Ornament

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Assembling Your Embroidery Hoop Wreath

  1. Align the pattern over the back hoop.
  2. Add ribbons now if you want (here is where I added my snowflake felt and 2 ribbons shown above).
  3. Place the top hoop on over and tighten almost completely tight.
  4. Tug the sweater slightly and ribbon to align and finish tightening the hoop.
    • Don’t pull too tight or the pattern on the sweater looks off.
  5. Flip over and trim so excess fabric to about 1/2-1” long.
  6. Hot glue the excess fabric to the embroidery hoop. This holds the fabric down so it hangs flat onto your wall.
  7. Add your fun wintery accent items and that’s it!

Make one for Fall too

I’ve made a couple of these embroidery hoop wreaths now. The sunflower wreath is my favorite one for sure. Wanna see that one? Check that one out here.

Want to see the details on this one? You can see the steps for the Sunflower Embroidery Hoop Wreath here.

Make it personal with Scrabble Tiles

Check out the one my friend Krista made? Cute idea for a gift using Scrabble Tiles! I think this idea could be done seasonal too. My other ideas was to not glue the flowers in and change them out for the seasons. I love being able to play with the decor to freshen it up and then it feels new again.

Embroidery Hoop with Scrabble Tiles
Embroidery Hoop with Scrabble Tiles

We had a fun crafting day and came up with this idea too. We usually do some scrapbooking or card making because she sells Close to My Heart. I LOVE this company for paper. Let’s say she’s my dealer and helps feeds my crafting addiction. haha. {{ Yes, I’m addicted to paper crafting! }}

We made a quick trip to Joann’s for accent items. We grabbed these flowers. They were a little bush we cut apart and tucked under the ribbon.

This was pretty simple to make and I think it looks so dang cute.

Have you made an embroidery hoop wreath yet?? Well, I wanna see!!!

I do love this one and have enough of the sweater leftover to make another one. The sarcastic Chelly wants to add the words “Sweater Weather” to a ribbon on this one!

The Finished Sweater Embroidery Hoop Wreath!

We Can Make That!

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