Don’t Skimp on the Boring Tasks (Video 3 of 12)

These are the foundation of your business.


Welcome to my 2022 video series for the Marketing Planner for Entrepreneurs – a planner designed by Small Business Owner for Small Business Owners.

First, grab your planner here:

Each month I’ll post a video and talk through a tip to increase business growth from your planner!


Don’t Skimp on the Boring Tasks (Video 3 of 12)

Ok, some might not find these items boring but my creative brain would rather skip them. Until I need the data that is…

This month I want to talk about the business task checklist on the monthly view page. of your Entrepreneur Planner™

Making sure you do these items gives you data about your business – these stats will help you run a successful business with less overwhelm.

YouTube video

Why are these Business Tasks so important?

When we make decisions about business plans based on emotions and not facts, that can mess up our end results.

As an example, we don’t get many links or comments on a weekly posts we are doing on social media, so now want to stop doing them each week.

….But when you look at the data you find out these posts are not getting likes but they are driving traffic to your website, where people are buying (that’s a huge business win).

This is why we must look at the whole picture and not just stats on one small thing.

Usually, likes or comments tend to be “vanity measures” – meaning they make us feel good but we might not know if or how they are really helping. Doing this monthly checklist helps us figure this out.


How to use this section best:

  • Find a regular day / time each month to work on the items in this checklist.
    • Is the first of every month your time for Billing and Accounting tasks? Write it in your planner like an appointment.
  • Make sure to write in your stats. Don’t have time? Take a screenshot of them on the first and write them in a day or two later.
    • Set a reminder on your phone if you need to (that’s what I do!)


Tip to stay focused on these boring or overwhelming tasks:

Choose one to get started. Once you master that, add another from the list. You don’t have to do them all just because they are listed.

Get a timer and don’t spend too much time. Focus and move on.

The worst decision is no decision at all.

Sometimes when I make a note to blog about a topic, in that process a new idea forms and it’s usually better; bank the original idea for later.

I usually write it on a Post It Note® and put I on the following month to use or inspire a new topic.


Planner Facebook Group to Join – Click Here.

Disclosure: Some links on this page are affiliate links – meaning if you click through and make a purchase I may receive a commission at no additional cost to you. For more information, read our full affiliate disclosure here.

Here’s the timer I talked about. I find it so helpful to keep me on task and master this checklist in no time at all!

You could also use your phone timer or your computer’s clock

Hexagon Rotating Productivity Timer

small business planner

More marketing tips from Chelly HERE.

Amazon link for my favorite planner things HERE.

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